1,000 Music Graphics

A compilation of packaging, posters, and other sound solutions

von Stoltz Design   (Autor)

A catalog of design ideas for music-related material This book will offer designers a vast collection of inspiring and innovative graphic works from the world of music. The main emphasis will be on music graphics including album/CD covers and inside spreads, packaging, posters, and other sales materials from the past decade. Music makes the world go 'round, and great album designs generate sales for the record companies that back the artists. By showing diverse album graphics from the last decade, designers get a glimpse into what makes or breaks album sales and just how risky the content can be before it goes too far. Many designers hope to break into the music business by way of design, and this collection will offer insight and inspiration for those venturing in. This book will be a compendium of all types of graphically appealing album art, covering all kinds of music and music developers.

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A catalog of design ideas for music-related material

This book will offer designers a vast collection of inspiring and innovative graphic works from the world of music. The main emphasis will be on music graphics including album/CD covers and inside spreads, packaging, posters, and other sales materials from the past decade.

Music makes the world go 'round, and great album designs generate sales for the record companies that back the artists. By showing diverse album graphics from the last decade, designers get a glimpse into what makes or breaks album sales and just how risky the content can be before it goes too far. Many designers hope to break into the music business by way of design, and this collection will offer insight and inspiration for those venturing in. This book will be a compendium of all types of graphically appealing album art, covering all kinds of music and music developers. 


Stoltz Design Inc., a ten-person design team, in business since 1984, is a multi-dimensional studio working with a diverse group of clients and on a range of project types. Recognized for their innovative design style and expressive typography, Stoltz has received numerous awards from national design organizations including American Institute for the Graphic Arts (AIGA), American Center for Design, Society of Publication Designers (SPD) and the Type Directors Club. Stoltz's work is also in the permanent collection at the Cooper Hewitt, National Design Museum. They are based in Villa Park, IL. (...) 

Mehr vom Verlag:

Rockport Publishers

Mehr aus der Reihe:

The Guilford Press

Mehr vom Autor:

Stoltz Design


Medium: eBook
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: ADOBE DRM
Seiten: 320
Sprache: Englisch
Erschienen: Mai 2008
ISBN-10: 1616738677
ISBN-13: 9781616738679

Bestell-Nr.: 30422459 
Libri-Verkaufsrang (LVR):
Libri-Relevanz: 0 (max 9.999)

Ist ein Paket? 0
Rohertrag: 12,19 €
Porto: 1,84 €
Deckungsbeitrag: 10,35 €

LIBRI: 0000000
LIBRI-EK*: 28.45 € (30%)
LIBRI-VK: 43,49 €
Libri-STOCK: 1
* EK = ohne MwSt.
DRM: 2
0 = Kein Kopierschutz
1 = PDF Wasserzeichen
2 = DRM Adobe
3 = DRM WMA (Windows Media Audio)
4 = MP3 Wasserzeichen
6 = EPUB Wasserzeichen

UVP: 2 
Warengruppe: 85860 

KNO: 00000000
KNO-EK*: € (%)
KNO-VK: 0,00 €

P_ABB: 1000 illustrations.
Einband: PDF
Sprache: Englisch
Beilage(n): WEB PDF

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