Andalusia - Old School Poster Style (Wall Calendar 2025 DIN A4 portrait), CALVENDO 12 Month ...

Collection of Andalusian posters in old school style

von Thoermer, Val   (Autor)

This old school style calendar includes 12 unique retro-designed posters featuring various motifs of Andalusia in Spain. The calendar is perfect for anyone looking to add a touch of nostalgia to their daily routine. Printed on high-quality paper ensures long-lasting durability and great aesthetics. High-quality wall calendar with 12 beautiful images. We care about the environment. That's why we only use FSC-certified paper from responsible forestry. We avoid overproduction and thus significant amounts of waste as we produce our calendars via print-on-demand in the markets we operate in. This means we can keep our transport routes short and ensure climate-conscious logistical processes. 14 Pages Consisting of 1 Cover | 12 Months | 1 Index Page | Cardboard Spine at the back This calendar was re-released this year with the same images and new dates. QUALITY - High-quality photo calendar with 12 beautiful images on light-resistant paper, robust spiral binding with hanger. SUSTAINABLE - Significant waste reduction due to print-on-demand production, environmentally friendly FSC-certified paper, produced in the UK, climate-conscious logistical processes. PERFECT GIFT - calendars for friends and family, for children, all ages and all occasions, from Christmas to birthdays and everything in between. LOTS OF CHOICE - Wall calendars in different sizes (DIN A4 and DIN A3), for any topic and personal taste, featuring photography, painting and illustrations. Collection of Andalusian posters in old school style, author: Val Thoermer

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(Print on Demand. Lieferbar innerhalb von 3 bis 6 Tagen)


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This old school style calendar includes 12 unique retro-designed posters featuring various motifs of Andalusia in Spain. The calendar is perfect for anyone looking to add a touch of nostalgia to their daily routine. Printed on high-quality paper ensures long-lasting durability and great aesthetics. High-quality wall calendar with 12 beautiful images. We care about the environment. That's why we only use FSC-certified paper from responsible forestry. We avoid overproduction and thus significant amounts of waste as we produce our calendars via print-on-demand in the markets we operate in. This means we can keep our transport routes short and ensure climate-conscious logistical processes. 14 Pages Consisting of 1 Cover | 12 Months | 1 Index Page | Cardboard Spine at the back This calendar was re-released this year with the same images and new dates. QUALITY - High-quality photo calendar with 12 beautiful images on light-resistant paper, robust spiral binding with hanger. SUSTAINABLE - Significant waste reduction due to print-on-demand production, environmentally friendly FSC-certified paper, produced in the UK, climate-conscious logistical processes. PERFECT GIFT - calendars for friends and family, for children, all ages and all occasions, from Christmas to birthdays and everything in between. LOTS OF CHOICE - Wall calendars in different sizes (DIN A4 and DIN A3), for any topic and personal taste, featuring photography, painting and illustrations. Collection of Andalusian posters in old school style, author: Val Thoermer 

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Thoermer, Val


Medium: Kalender
Format: Kalender
Seiten: 14
Sprache: Englisch
Erschienen: April 2024
Auflage: 2. Edition 2024
Maße: 302 x 210 mm
Gewicht: 210 g
ISBN-10: 1325968838
ISBN-13: 9781325968831



Bestell-Nr.: 37960121 
Libri-Verkaufsrang (LVR):
Libri-Relevanz: 0 (max 9.999)

Ist ein Paket? 0
Rohertrag: 7,39 €
Porto: 1,84 €
Deckungsbeitrag: 5,55 €

LIBRI: 0000000
LIBRI-EK*: 12.94 € (30%)
LIBRI-VK: 21,99 €
Libri-STOCK: 0
LIBRI: 097 Print on Demand. Lieferbar innerhalb von 7 bis 10 Tagen * EK = ohne MwSt.

UVP: 2 
Warengruppe: 71300 

KNO: 00000000
KNO-EK*: € (%)
KNO-VK: 0,00 €

Einband: Kalender
Auflage: 2. Edition 2024
Sprache: Englisch
Beilage(n): Kalender

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