Mit lustigen Liedern, Aktivitäten und spannenden Geschichten trainieren junge Englischlernende ihre Sprachpraxis: Das Kapitel My Worldweckt Interesse an der britischen Kultur.
Scrapbook-Seiten ermöglichen den Kindern, ihren eigenen Fortschritt festzuhalten.
Jeder Seite im Pupil's Bookentspricht mindestens eine Seite imActivity Book.
Controlled grammar syllabus taught in context through fun cartoons, stories, songs, and activities Most lessons have a grammar drill in the form of a question and answer activity Practises language through fun activities, such as songs, rhymes, games, and puzzles Thrilling comic-strip adventure story provides a memorable context for new language Carefully graded syllabus allows for recycling of language Variety of additional materials to extend lessons. The Teacher's
Book includes extra games, a portfolio of self-assessment activities and five tests, and the Photocopy Masters Book in the Teacher's Resource Pack contains an additional activity per unit